Thursday 30 June 2011

High Street Challenge - Day 3

The week has flown by. I have bought 24 pairs of shoes this week. I shit you not. Net-A-Porter & Kurt Geiger bore the main brunt of it all. I wish I could say they were all for shooting purposes but no, I am just a huge unapologetic shoe-whore. Want to see pics just holler!

All Vintage bar the Warehouse Denim shirt :)
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Monday 27 June 2011

High Street Challenge - Day 2

 Super busy but for once it is all GOOD :) I know this is NOT my Twitter stream but I just have to share this quote with you all....

                 "Follow the dreams that define who you are" - Ralph Marston

Primark Top & Bed-Jacket / Uniqlo Pants / Cherry DMs
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Saturday 25 June 2011

High Street Challenge - Day 1

OMG. The girl posts! Where I have been is prepping the production arm of MCB primed for full assault on publications by styling mega concept shoots the summer through. BUT that does not mean the blog is to be neglected because of this. In fact, all the 'seriousness' of the business side of MCB makes it easier to find the fun in blogging just for fun!

I undertook a 5 day challenge this week to see how I can best rock the current offerings on the high street and this is look no' 1. Yes, my hair is currently, according to Foxy Locks, 'Cherly Cole' red....She was way popular back when the weave was ordered but I digress.

I know I must seem partial to online shopping but seriously, I am not averse to shopping on the British high street and I really do believe there are plenty of affordable clothes to be excited about 'out there'. I am purposely featuring items from certain stores that some might imagine was not in fitting with MCB styling model but it is not all about high end couture here. You all know I like me some expensive shoes but I mix that up with vintage, indie designs, charity shops, established labels and high street. If the skirt looks familiar that is because you remember this.....
Primark Top & Skirt. Warehouse Denim Shirt / Jacket. Vintage Brogues via Etsy / Zara Belt

The blog is now a year old and I love all that it brings forth and all the new bloggers I have connected with. As far as global fashion domination goes the blog sits quite high on the pyramid of importance so rest assure that my 'front-line' presence shall continue to exist in conjunction with all my other attention seeking projects!
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Friday 24 June 2011

MTV Style Feature

A huge thank you MTV Style for featuring My Capacious Bottega as one of their Top Style Blogs in the UK and to Chrissy Malhmeister for such a favourable write-up. I was in great company I might add as I absolutely heart the ethereally stylish Karin @ Wunderlust
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Saturday 4 June 2011

LOOKBOOK: Little Tiffin

With myself and an assistant on hand you would think styling would be on point, right! Nope! Spot the crooked neck-tie if you can. Grrr. Who knew I had the perfectionist gene in me!?

Major thanks as ever to all involved in bringing about the vision to life. The concepts are just getting more and more fantastical in my head. I swear. I am thinking stags, huskies, white horses.....but for now I give you the Impish Natalia in her secret garden.

A huge resounding HELLO to all my subscribers, old and new. Thank you for bearing with the blog changes a la direction like troopers. I have been asked via FB when I will be featuring myself on the blog again and I can promise it will be soon....once I sort my weave out!

Styling: Mulika Harnett
Photography: Peter Harnett
MUAH: Sheeren Dixon
Model: Natalia Mednick
Styling Assistant: Joe Atunrase
Photography Assistant: Terry Dance
Retoucher: ZentientBeing 
Runner: Woody 
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