Wednesday 27 April 2011

Fascinators, Heiresses and Penthouses

Remember the wedding I mentioned? No, not the Royal Wedding! The one that Woody, darling daughter, had been invited to not only be a flower girl at but also a reader (Corinthians 13 1-13). Well, the girl did good and of course I gave as many tips as any Drama school trained mother would! Needless to say she used lots of vocal muscularity and lent a rainbow of colour to the words :) Hubby and I were/are very, very proud parents.

But yes, yes, on to what I wore! I did consider 'doing' a dress because weddings = dresses, no? No! I understand that at times, it feels like the easiest style solution when faced with a 'proper' occasion to attend (such as a wedding). However, separates can work just as beautifully and look just as effortless as a dress. Especially when perfectly accessorised, as I hope this set proves.

The peacock/pheasant fascinator, a stunning bespoke piece by Liz Dominey, ( featured here) and jewellery, as chosen by hubby, from an extensive collection (mostly gifts from him) completed the look.

We shall be turning these images into a MCB Style-Book which can all be viewed by clicking here.

Liz Dominey Fascinator / TSR Cape Shirt / Dorothy Perkins Print Harems / Topshop Sandals / Chloe Clutch

I have been handing out a few, okay a lot, of the new cards we have had printed at every networking opportunity. The business cards look so seriously professional that the very act of owning them MAKES me feel ordained a proper blogger and I would like to say a huge hello to all that have found MCB by following the URL. So, to my new readers, I bid you welcome and I hope you stay a while, even better take a moment to introduce yourself in the comment field.
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Sunday 24 April 2011

Look Book 1 - Sun Stroke

.....Endless bank holiday weekend, surprise royal weddings, Jacques Cider over ice, tanning without trying, claiming your patch all over London parks. Blackheath, Brockwell, Hampstead - no green space to be found, all occupied with bodies begging to be kissed by the sun. All on a mission to make the heat last; pass through them and remind them that this is it, summer has reared its head. Sozzled with sun. Beaming, knowing the heat and drinks combo only brings about one thing but no head space for that right about now. You've got your vintage sun bather on. Suddenly dreaming of Tree-tops in Kenya, St.Lucian Pitons and white Mauritian beaches. Hot is not what you are seeking but a fever. Sliding plump green olives in mouth and discreetly spit stone out. Philadelphia and Strawberry Jam sandwich bagels makes you think of impending Wimbledon. The sun shine continues to beam down and the cheeky monkey, which we so longed to come out to play, soon has you seeking refuge in tree shade. Admit it, you are festival ready!

Vintage Dress / Nine West Wedges / Random Jewellery mostly from Etsy / Turban from Babooshka

Yes. Yes! I am listening to Chicane's Sun Stroke to keep the mood alive....

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Thursday 21 April 2011

Freshly Brewed

I haven't managed a full week at Drama school this week which sucks but on a positive note, I have hardly sucked as a Mom or Wife this week so I guess it is all relative! Ooh, I should also inform all that I have had a Clown breakthrough as of yesterday. Yippee!!

We have a family wedding to attend this weekend in which Woody has an important role to play as she is one of the bridesmaid and also a reader. I am a very very proud Mom. Although today, in fact the week, has been spent stressing over her dress arriving on time, the perfect shade of ivory shoes (Monsoon saved the day) and getting her hair done in the very specific style requested by the bride for the entire bridal party. I, of course, took the opportunity to fresh up my weave, and God knows it needed it. I guess it wouldn't hurt to mention that I am quite excited about rocking my self -styled outfit for the wedding. I seriously cannot wait to show you all and get your feedback :)

These images are from the holiday, which already feels a million years ago. In a way the outfit is also a real thumbs-up to the high-street from me. We took pictures of other things than me posing and I might put the non-fashion snaps on my Tumblr for fear of boring you all here! On a final note, I feel like I have not eaten or slept for days but that is surely impossible. Right?!

Canary Yellow Mango Top / Blue Chambray Topshop Midi Skirt / Topshop Sandals / Next Hat / Hubby's Socks / Pimkie Yellow Belt

*Disclaimer: I am not enamoured with the images but they are the ones dear husband chose to work on so there we are...I believe there were much better images :(
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Tuesday 19 April 2011

Cheap Meds

As in cheap Mediterranean from where I am back! And yes, we all had a great time. Woody was married to the swimming pool and kids club and hubby & I to each other!

Found this spotted playsuit for $10 and not only did I snap it up immediately, I made like a child and wore it out to dinner the same night! Promise to show more pics from the holiday that does not involve me pulling awkward faces at the camera but for now enjoy me looking like sozzled jail bait / junkie crack-whore! Or not as the case may be.

I should mention that it is way past bed time but we are working on new business cards and banner for the site and when I say we, I mean hubby. Seriously, give the man a medal!

Not sure if I should use up all the holiday style pics first before resorting back to the home-baked editorials we do so well....

THANK YOU to all my readers, old and new, for continuing to read, comment and support MCB as it grows from a new born baby to a toddler finding its feet. I now feel like a teen that knows what it wants to do with its life so do stick around for fun times ahead. My head is buzzing with ideas for the blog and how to involve YOU all more :)

 Vintage Playsuit / Topshop Sandals / Hubby's socks / Mess courtesy of Team Mulika

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Friday 15 April 2011

Sunni Dusk

Oh, the drama to be found on the British high Street. Can you feel it? Or do you need me to add words to make it even more so dramatic?

These images makes me want to respond somehow...might have to remind myself that I have been known to take pen to paper in the past. And yes, the shock of it, I am wearing an item of clothing from *******

Topshop Batwing Top / Primark Pleated Maxi / Topshop Unique Wedges
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Wednesday 13 April 2011

You Got the Love: Guest Post by Alex of Cow Bells of Narnia

Guest Post from the unquestionably, undeniably, and uber fashionable Alex of Cow Bells of Narnia whom I am lucky enough to call friend in R/L. Make her feel at home, check out her blog and do subscribe whilst you are there!

So my very fabulous and talented friend Mulika has kindly asked me to cover for her whilst she indulges in a spot of Balaeric Balminess (jalouse moi!!???). Allow me to introduce myself……..I am Alex Morris (or Alexandra Zoe Morris according to my passport). ….a few things I love..…playing the piano (have been known to tinckle the ivories at the beautiful Acne Showroom on Dover Street of a Saturday afternoon), Candi Staton, Halston, Primrose Hill of a dusky summer evening, mermaids,  Salinas Beach, Le Marais, Chopin, India ( the French Design Doyenne Andrée Putman, lake swimming, authenticity, birdsong.

Drawn to the world of fashion and luxury goods, I started my professional life in the press office at Vivienne Westwood followed by a stint at Agent Provocateur, moving on from there to mastermind events for De Beers Diamonds. In 2006 I decided to swap diamonds, kinckers and haute couture shows for swathes of sultry silk, Art Deco decadence and kalaidescopic colour charts, moving into the Interiors Industry, setting up my company Zook Interiors, (

Whilst hurtling along a dusty road in an acid coloured tuk-tuk in Hampi, the idea for Cow Bells of Narnia was born,, it’s basically my musings on inspiration, whether from art, fashion, interiors or anywhere else at all!

With Spring in full bloom and the heady intoxicating vapours of honeysuckle, Magnolia and Cherry Blossoms lacing the air in the environs of Highgate Village my mind turns to new beginnings, new opportunities, chance encounters……..which is exactly how myself and Mulika met, which is a funny story in itself but I’ll keep it brief, save to say it involved a catwalk, silly dancing, & Brick Lane!

I’ve recently discovered this very apt quote from the writer Frank Herbert;
“The Mystery of Life isn’t a problem to be solved but a reality to experience”
Simple but true, I think often in the super fast technological age that we live in, we are always seeking to quantify, evaluate, explain, rationalize, conquer, master……at the detriment of missing the beauty to be found in the unexplained, the unquantifiable all around us every day, which if we can open our eyes and our hearts to, can guide us through life. 

So readers, I guess what I’m saying is keep an open mind, take a chance, do something crazy or ridiculous, talk to a stranger on the bus, smile instead of scowling at your fellow passengers and you might brighten someone’s day or even make a new friend, even if your hangover from the weekend is kicking in, or you are dreading a grilling from your boss, or you just can’t be bothered, do it anyway!

On a cold February morning, over 2 years ago now……turning up at The Old Truman Brewery feeling like a complete twat wondering why the hell I had agreed to embark on this bonkers idea with a bunch of complete randoms, little did I know that I would leave at the end of the day with a fabulous new friend and kindred spirit.

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Sunday 10 April 2011

Anarchy in the UK

I am meant to be packing for our Spring Break. We leave in 2hrs for the Balearic Islands. Hubby would not be impressed to find me online but I must, I must schedule posts....Yeah, I am a rebel with a cause. I should say I was getting a sense of someone much more cool and current (PINK for example but am I showing my age when I label her as cool & current) when we shot these but I had good ol' Johnny Rotten in mind all the way.

Something about these images make me want to scream "We run the State" but we don't, so I shall, instead, bid you a jolly good day and assure you that you shall not be left wanting in my absence. Oooh, what could that mean hey....
Motel Pants / Supre Top worn weirdly / Hot Pink DMs / Mudslide Collection 2000 Lipstick

Remember all images are click-able. Let me know if you love, hate or are indifferent and no, I am not talking politics!
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Thursday 7 April 2011

I Feel Love

All Images Clickable

This, I realised, retrospectively, is a subtle head gesture (some could call it a nod but I refuse to confirm on this) to the hottie from Blondie. Yes, it can't be denied there is a preppy urbanite snaking about the set but the Debbie Harry attitutde was turned up mega on the amp. We missed a trick in not allowing her to be the soundtrack of the shoot but fun was still had regardless. Bless. Anyway, enjoy and no, I have not dyed my hair grey. My hubby calls it highlighting. I kinda like it. Might get him to dip dye my hair in photoshop saving me a trip to the hair-dressers! 

All Images Clickable

A little history on the the shoes: I have wanted to wear them for months after scoring them off Net-A-Porter but I now realise I was over-thinking it. They didn't need to be styled, they just needed to be worn.

All Images Clickable
 Topshop Camel Hareem / Piko1988 Crop Top / Random red sock used as a belt / Sigerson Morrison Sandals / Collections 2000 MUDSLIDE Lipstick

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Tuesday 5 April 2011

An Essay on Brevity

The lovely   awarded me a Stylish Blogger Award and I must say it came as a surprise mainly because I was unaware of the award's existence. I am not sure what I have done to deserve the award but I am going to take it as the compliment I know it is. There are a few actions required to accept the award and that involves showing respect to the bestower and quite rightly so. The idea behind the award is that you pass it on to spread some blog love to other blogger you interact with. If nominated you are meant to do the following

1)Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2)Share 7 things about yourself. 
3)Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers. 
4)Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

I came across Veshoevius through FBFF and liked her immediately.  I follow her because I like her warm style of writing, her personal style and I find the gracefulness with which she wears dark colours quite refreshing and yes, inspiring. We also own the same maxi Marble Print silk dress (she bought it, blogged it and I had to have it)  So, once again, thank you Veshoevius for being a cool blog mate and for awarding me a stylish blogger.

You can check out her fantastic blog HERE
As part of being a 'Stylish Blogger' I am also to share 7 things about myself and you all know I can talk when I get going. I ought to promise to try and keep it as succinct as possible but we all know that brevity evades me at the best of times. Finally, after sharing, I get to pass on the Stylish Blogger Award to 10 recently discovered great bloggers, which I have to say I am particularly looking forward to.

You know what, it only takes a few minutes of processing before you (read: I) start liking the sound of it - Stylish Blogger - in your head. Try it if you don't believe me!

So, what would I like to share? An Actors training is meant to aid the shedding of that which we call ego, that which inhibits you by desiring you to be interesting, rather than allowing one to simply be... 

Okay, totally random but that leads me straight to my 1st disclosure. I am obsessed with Theatre Practice. The unreasonable passion and corporeal practice of creating and immersing oneself into that which we call Theatre. I love the reflective nature with which we approach our practice and best of all I love knowing that the process, often unseen, that we often spend an age married to lives longest. And that the performance is never an end point but rather a catalyst for a creative big-bang. Thus the cycle repeats. I love Theatre and always want it to be a part of my professional  life in one way or another.

My 2nd disclosure is relative. I really want a PhD, though I think this might have more to do with the Nigerian in me. I have a serious obsession with letters after my name which I thought was mildly satiated after gaining my Masters. Seriously. We moved to this fine country for a grand education after all, the kind (of education) with such gravitas attached that we had to leave our homeland to attain it, and I guess there is a part of me still battling with 'when is the debt really paid between old country of mind and new country of mine'. And I even wonder at times whether I am meant to take all I have learnt back 'home'. I could be the Augusto Boal of Lagos but oh, of course, I forgot myself for a moment, for I am home... So yeah, I think this 'disclosure' is pregnant with subtext and should not be read as a revelation to spend my 40s as a 5" heels wearing academic at Aberystwyth University Theatre department.

3rd disclosure is that I used to be a total control freak over what I was allowed to weigh. A lot of it had to do with work but I did not need much encouragement. I was fit and had enough stamina for the lifestyle I led. I got to believing I just could not put on weight. Pregnancy did not change my body bar stretch marks but I got to my late 20s' and things such as metabolism and all that sexy stuff started to shift and change. The days of being a model size 6 seemed a century ago but hey I was also naturally athletic so resorting to the gym was kind of a treat. I fell in love with a shrinking body whilst having regular sessions, like an addict, at Spin, Body pump, Circuit and Pilates classes. I was in control of my body once again and then I did the unmentionable. 10 months into a 1 year membership, I just stopped going.

Disclosure 4  I guess links well to the above in that having been married exactly 10 months today (Yes, I am still very much a newly-wed) , I am learning that lots of control devices we utilise in our daily life and interpersonal relationships are built on fear. Marriage is teaching me that I would rather deal with my fears than mask them under a guise for control.

At work and more recently at school, I use each environment as an exercise to observe my 'control monster' specially focusing on what fear trigger it responds to. I work often with others and I am aware of my role within groups. I embrace ensemble model of training and I initiate collaboration knowing my unique skill set is acknowledged and required. That way I remind myself that control can be manifested in a variety of shapes, many positive.

No.5 I like trashy TV. I don't get to watch quite enough but I would if I could. Things like Salt & Pepa R back, Cougars & Cubs locked up on a Desert Island, Notting Hill Residents 24/7, Australian Border Control, Come Dine with me repeats whilst complaining loudly that it is a repeat. Right now, I am making do with Model Agency but it is not grimy enough for me!

I am trying to make this a free-writing exercise - can you tell? - okay, no, well, on to no' 6 right? I cannot wait till summer. Why? Because we get to move into our family home. We are all being very patient about this but I need to move, I need space back in my life. I want all my shoes back, out of the holds of the Big Yellow Storage and re-established on my upper floor dressing room in made to measure shelves. 

And to the last, no.7, quite simple really. If there were a tablet you could take that would stop you being late, I would pop it without a second thought. My lateness makes me want to punch myself in the face at times and I apologise a hundred times to the human race for every person that has ever had to wait on me. Now, past and in the future. I am getting better, I swear.
Black Babooshka Cape & Turban / TSR Jersey mini insert / Pamela Mann tights / Jeffrey Campbell Boots 

I love these opportunity to commune with my readers and I do hope it is interesting for you to find out a bit about me other than my latest shoe obsession. 

If your name is below, it means you have been tagged and awarded the Stylish Blogger badge of honour. You know the rules and it would be very nice to hear seven things about yourselves. 

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Sunday 3 April 2011

Orange Liqueur

If you follow on twitter you know that I somewhat dealt with my Primark aversion this past week. The shirt the entire set is built around is from said shop and yes, before you ask, I bought more than the solitary shirt. Before you scorn, let me state my case. I almost think there is something immoral about clothing being available that cheap - it beggars the question 'who is profiting here' but the politics aside, I hate crowds of people and I hate queuing hence why I don't do Carnival and I would rather pay a bit extra to be fast-tracked on to the plane!

But I digress...I think I am totally in love with thinking of MCB as a magazine so tell me, do you like the latest Style Book offering? I have included snippets from some of my favourite poets such as Pablo Neruda, Eavan Bowland and Derek Mahon. There are also not one but 2 uniquely covet-able bag featured so get clicking on that magazine! BTW I shall be announcing the winner of my huge give-away tomorrow :)

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