Guest Post from the unquestionably, undeniably, and uber fashionable Alex of Cow Bells of Narnia whom I am lucky enough to call friend in R/L. Make her feel at home, check out her blog and do subscribe whilst you are there!
So my very fabulous and talented friend Mulika has kindly asked me to cover for her whilst she indulges in a spot of Balaeric Balminess (jalouse moi!!???). Allow me to introduce myself……..I am Alex Morris (or Alexandra Zoe Morris according to my passport). ….a few things I love..…playing the piano (have been known to tinckle the ivories at the beautiful Acne Showroom on Dover Street of a Saturday afternoon), Candi Staton, Halston, Primrose Hill of a dusky summer evening, mermaids, Salinas Beach, Le Marais, Chopin, India ( the French Design Doyenne Andrée Putman, lake swimming, authenticity, birdsong.
Drawn to the world of fashion and luxury goods, I started my professional life in the press office at Vivienne Westwood followed by a stint at Agent Provocateur, moving on from there to mastermind events for De Beers Diamonds. In 2006 I decided to swap diamonds, kinckers and haute couture shows for swathes of sultry silk, Art Deco decadence and kalaidescopic colour charts, moving into the Interiors Industry, setting up my company Zook Interiors, (
Whilst hurtling along a dusty road in an acid coloured tuk-tuk in Hampi, the idea for Cow Bells of Narnia was born,, it’s basically my musings on inspiration, whether from art, fashion, interiors or anywhere else at all!
With Spring in full bloom and the heady intoxicating vapours of honeysuckle, Magnolia and Cherry Blossoms lacing the air in the environs of Highgate Village my mind turns to new beginnings, new opportunities, chance encounters……..which is exactly how myself and Mulika met, which is a funny story in itself but I’ll keep it brief, save to say it involved a catwalk, silly dancing, & Brick Lane!
I’ve recently discovered this very apt quote from the writer Frank Herbert;
“The Mystery of Life isn’t a problem to be solved but a reality to experience”
Simple but true, I think often in the super fast technological age that we live in, we are always seeking to quantify, evaluate, explain, rationalize, conquer, master……at the detriment of missing the beauty to be found in the unexplained, the unquantifiable all around us every day, which if we can open our eyes and our hearts to, can guide us through life.
So readers, I guess what I’m saying is keep an open mind, take a chance, do something crazy or ridiculous, talk to a stranger on the bus, smile instead of scowling at your fellow passengers and you might brighten someone’s day or even make a new friend, even if your hangover from the weekend is kicking in, or you are dreading a grilling from your boss, or you just can’t be bothered, do it anyway!
On a cold February morning, over 2 years ago now……turning up at The Old Truman Brewery feeling like a complete twat wondering why the hell I had agreed to embark on this bonkers idea with a bunch of complete randoms, little did I know that I would leave at the end of the day with a fabulous new friend and kindred spirit.
Like the mermaid picture!
Gorgeous one, I adore you! Thank you for covering the fort while I am away and yes, I second Abigial´s comment - mermaids are too cool for school. Methinks we should plan a concept shoot soon. I know it would thrill our readers combined :)
gorgeous mermaid!;)
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Isn't she just a picture perfect mermaid! Thank you for the comment :)