Saturday, 14 May 2011

Nil By Mouth

This post has been waiting to go out for DAYS but Blogger meltdown meant scheduling matters were totally out of my hand. It seems many of us have lost posts and even comments. That sucks. Blogger - fix up. I am now considering a move to Word Press or even transferring my blog to my personal domain....

We were burgled yesterday but be assured that no item of clothing nor shoes were stolen. Yes, the mental fashionista in me did drive home thinking of finding all my shoes gone as well and saying a little prayer about the storage situation. They did however steal ALL my high value jewellery. Other items got taken but they are not as pertinent to the blog so not worth mentioning. And I don't even want to talk about it anymore :(

Oh, yeah, they also stole Hubby's camera....I took mine to school with me in the morning, something I almost never do and I am glad I did. Will be surprising Hubby with a new 5D mark II as soon as I get my head together.

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  1. Hi pretty gazelle, I love your skirt combined with those beautiful sandals!!!

  2. I have lost posts and comments and I am waiting for an APOLOGY from Blogger. Also considering migrating to wordpress or other...

    I am SO sorry you were burgled - how AWFUL! It's the most dreadful invasion of privacy. Hope you are feeling ok.

    On the up side - this outfit is gorgeous and I especially adore your shoes, as always!

    Sarah xxx

  3. oooooooooooo pretty

  4. Great purple shoes! Yeah, Blogger was just straight tripping for the past couple of days. Hopefully, it got its act together.

  5. Hi Tassos! Thanks for popping your head in ;) I have to say that I cannot get enought of wearing this skirt. It is so relaxed and easy to style up or down.

    M x

  6. Sarah, the blogger situation was beyond a joke and that they let it go on for as long as it did is laughable. I am gutted about my lost comments but I am hoping they just need to fix a bug somehwere along the line?!

    p.s The whole family is fine. Thank you for the concern xx

  7. Glad you like J.Ashley :) Summer is all about the pretty!

    M x

  8. Vivi, I think I am going to try and wear only coloured/brights shoes as a week long challenge soon - you have inspired me!

    M x

  9. That's horrible about getting robbed!
    Once again I absolutely love your outfit...everything is perfect together

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  10. I guess you can call this an easy and breezy look. It is a lovely outfit complimented by a fierce pair of sandals. Sweet stuff!

  11. Hey Natasha,

    Thank you as ever. Hubby & I are currently buried in the admin that an event such as this creates but slowly and surely we are regaining control over our home.

    Hope you & family are having a lovely weekend xxx

  12. This most definitely qualifies as an easy, breezy look for me John. I hope it is the type of outfit we can all put together without stress and know we look smart enough for a number of occasions!

    Would you like something more quirky featured? Feel free to make suggestions because you guys help me shape the blog :)

    Mulika xx

  13. Oh no, Mulika! I am SO SORRY to hear that you guys were robbed. That is just such a violation. all I can say is I'm sorry.

    I do love your outfit. It's just simple and feminine. The skirt fits you perfectly and it looks great with that top.

    Well, my friend... again, I am sorry to hear about the robbery :(

    Eboni Ife'

  14. Mulika so sorry to hear about the burglary - how horrible! I was just ploughing through your previous posts admiring your fab wardrobe and then read this and my first thought was also straight to whether your shoes and clothes had been taken - phew! But bummer about your high value jewellery. I hope they get the culprits!

  15. Thanks Eboni x

    Your message really means a lot to me. I find that the past 48hrs as seen me feeling absolutely fine one minute and really shit the next but I guess that is perfectly normal. Trying to keep everything going as normal and hoping I don't break at the worst moment....

    I will be sure to keep the posts flowing xx

  16. V, I know how vain this is going to make me sound and I can only assure you all that I am indeed not, well not any more than any of us anyway, but I drove home with cramps in my stomach at the thought of my shoes having been taken in the raid. How pathetic hey! Finding my jewellery, all bought by my husband over our courting period and marriage, all gone had me wailing like a injured banshee. All those memories....And I feel so sorry for hubby for all they took of his especially as he is trying to keep his head together being the head of the household to make sure we are fine firstly :(

    We keep finding other things missing and that is the worst bit. You get your head around it a bit but then a new discovery of a missing item just sets you, or at least me, back.

    We have very good witness reports and the police seem positive about apprehending the perpetrators. But yet, as much as a result as that would be that won't make it not have happened...Also freaking & praying that the content cover insurers give us a break which we will find out tomorrow (kept the direct debit up but forgot to inform of the move in February) :(

    Apologies for sounding so negative. I probably should not be replying to anything right now but I do so appreciate all your support that I can't ignore your comments xx

  17. What horrible. Just the thought of strange people walking in your space and touching your personal stuff, brrrr. Sorry to hear about the lost merchandise. About the whole blogger vs wp situation. I too have been considering a while now to move my blog to wp. The last experiences with blogger haven't been very pleasant either (lost many saved posts). So yeah, I'm going to try wp. I think blogger is a great start-up for newbies though.
    Love the simple silhouette of your look. Breaths Spring.

  18. Thank you so much M.P. I have been amazed at the support and consideration I have been shown on here and Twitter regarding the whole situation. AS the days pass, we are getting to grips with it all better than the last but yes, the violation makes me seethe hence why I can't think about it much :(

    Regarding moving the blog, I can't even begin to think about it right now but I know I will end up doing it.....

    M xx

  19. This is a fantastic outfit, the purple shoes are awesome! You look gorgeous!

  20. When it comes to colour & shoes,I seem to have quite a number of purple pairs. Must keep eye out for green & yellow!

    Thanks for the comment Strout:)


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