If you are reading this it is highly probable that I have pounced on you on the streets of London squealing at how exquisite your look is. I might have seemed manic but I make no apology, I am very excitable!

I would have asked you if you have an interest in modeling / Signed to a mother Agency / Currently Testing. 

I would have given you a contact card and also taken your details if the answer was a positive YES!

What happens next is that I will phone you. This will be soon after our first meeting. One of two things will then happen, I will have the PERFECT Editorial concept in mind and we can sort out dates for getting you shot. As in photographed that is!

The second scenario is that I have to mull over exactly what I want to do to bring out the best in you. In this case, you will also receive a call soon after first meeting, however instead of sorting out shoot dates, I will pray, fast and holler for inspiration to come upon me so that I can then phone you to schedule you in for a shoot.

It is important to state that I and my team of creative only work with girls we KNOW will get picked up by a Commercial agency such as RAGE or High Fashion agency such as NEVS, should the girl desire this. For your time and commitment we guarantee images that are portfolio worthy. 

As a testing model you shall be paid in prints hence the phrase TFP (Time For Print). All reasonable expenses will be met by myself, prior to discussion. Images will be received by yourself no later than 14 working days after the shoot date. 

What You Need To Know:- 

As Stylist I have the vision. I supply and source all outfits including footwear and accessories that you shall be wearing for your shoot.

As Creative Project Manager I am in charge of bringing the concept alive. I arrange Photographer, Make-Up Artist, Hair Stylist, Assistants, Studio / location and Retoucher.

An additional but informal role is that as an ex-model with over 10 years industry experience, I can advise you on the next steps to take after your shoot. You can literally pick my brains!

I look forward to working with you and I hope you are excited about your impending shoot!

Disclaimer: Mulika Harnett in the role of Creative Producer of MYCB states that no payment shall be requested of the model. All images remain the property of the Photographer and a release will be required to be signed by all models acknowledging this.
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